When you're dealing a lot on Gumtree you get a taste of what retailers go through just about everyday and they are not good.
Firstly there are people who cannot comprehend the idea that there are people whom are trying to get the most out of their used items, in monetary value terms. The posted price could even be above retail prices. This is of course based on the supply and demmand if you have any concept of it, for example when iPhone 5S first came out and was basically sold out, there's a low supply and high demmand so people do get to sell it at a higher price.
That being said, there seems to be a huge amount of people whom have the uncanny desire to share their ridiculous thoughts on Gumtree. This usually comes combined with insults and possibly some swearing just to mess around with you.
As to why they feel the need to insult on a ridiculous notion and not be able to keep it to themselves, it's because you're leading a very unfulfilled life and need some form of affirmation that people give a damn on what you think.
Write a blog and leave creating negative impacts to the politicians. If you want to pick a fight please do it face to face rather than hiding behind encrypted emails
After you insult someone, you actually expect people to respond kindly and only to be shocked by a "F*** You" reply. I mean come on, what the hell are you hoping to get HOT HEAD?
And Gumtree apparently won't do anything about it. So just take note when dealing in Gumtree, prepare yourself for some significant verbal abuse.